Have you ever wished that you could just hire an interior designer? Have someone else come in and do all the work? Or someone could just tell you what to do? Well, there are lots of incredible designers that could create a space for you, but I would argue that it’s even better to be decorating your home yourself.
Decorating Your Home Yourself
I believe that your home should be a reflection of what matters most to you. It should be a place where you feel grounded, calm, comfortable, and energized. It should be a place that perfectly reflects your personality and what’s most important to you. Someone should walk into your home and say this is soooo YOU!
So if your goal is to create a home like this and use your home as a canvas for self-expression and self-discovery then YOU would be the best person to do that.

Why You’re the Best Person for the Job
Who knows you better than you? Who knows your likes, dislikes, tastes, and opinions better than you? No one. No one knows what you like better than you. And if you’re thinking, “I don’t know what I like” or “I’m not sure what my style is…” then that just means that you have a little more work to do in figuring out what brings you joy.
Have you ever decorated a space in your home and five years later you’re sick of it? Or you feel like it no longer reflects your tastes and style? That happens because we’re constantly changing and growing as humans. I’m not the same person I was 5 years ago; some things stay the same, but others have changed. I’m in a different phase of life and I need different things. So why wouldn’t my home also need to subtly change as well? I believe our homes are living and breathing spaces meant to change over time as our life and family dynamics change.

Feeling Overwhelmed?
I know that home design and home decorating can get overwhelming. It’s super easy to get stuck when we start thinking about all the little pieces and all the many decisions that need to come together. But I’d love to help you make sense of that, hold your hand, and take you through the process of figuring out how to make a home that perfectly reflects YOU.
So I have a favor to ask… In order for me to create the content and the lessons that will enable you to become the decorator of your home, I need to know where you’re at. I need to know what you’re currently struggling with and where in the process you get stuck.

Let’s do it Together
I truly believe that anyone can decorate their home. You don’t need a degree or special skills, you don’t need to be “creative” or have an “eye” for design. You just need to learn a few of the basic design principles and then be willing to go on this journey of self discovery and self expression.
I have a short survey and I’d love to hear from you. I want to hear where you get stuck, where you get overwhelmed, and what’s stopping you from creating a home you love.
I’ll use your answers to shape the content I’m creating so that we can work together in creating a more joyful home.
As a thank you for filling out the survey, one lucky winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Hello, holiday shopping!
That’s it for today, I’m looking forward to hearing from you and I’ll be back next week.
xo, Tessie
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