Remember how magical Christmas was when you were a kid? Let’s bring some of that magic back into our holiday decorating this year. Watch the video below for tips on holiday decorating and a tour of my home this holiday season.
Childhood Magic
Oh to be a kid again at Christmas! The anticipation of picking out a tree, the music, the lights, the family traditions, the gifts. The FOOD. Oh the food!
When I was a child, everything about Christmas seemed Magical. We weren’t a religious family growing up but we LOVED Christmas. My maiden name is Rodriguez and I felt like during the holidays our Spanish heritage really came to life. While the neighbors dropped off plates of home-baked cookies at our door, at our house we bottled up fresh salsa. We topped it with a bow and dropped it on our neighbors’ doorsteps with a big old bag of tortilla chips.
I remember my friend’s Christmas trees were always decorated with white lights and a cohesive color palette. Honestly, I thought they never compared to the beauty and color explosion of OUR Christmas tree. Our tree had glass bulbs of every color, tinsel up the wazoo, and colorful twinkle lights that changed colors. I LOVED that tree. I remember laying under the tree for hours watching the mesmerizing patterned lights change from one setting to the next. Sometimes I’d even lay out a sleeping bag and sleep next to the Christmas tree.
What are your favorite memories?
Now everyone has different holiday memories. You’re going to have different things that make the holidays nostalgic and magical for YOU.
My husband had more of a rocky childhood and Christmas was a bit more paired down. He had his own favorite holiday memories like white lights on the tree and his grandparent’s windmill pyramid from Germany. Honestly, we’ve both always loved Christmas just the same. Over the years we’ve enjoyed creating our own holiday traditions and bringing the magic to our own little family.
Have you lost some of the magic in your holiday decorating?
We all know that Christmas isn’t always magical. Especially as an adult.
Inevitably, that holiday magic dims quite a bit as you grow older. You realize how much work, time, and energy is involved. Some years we just don’t have the bandwidth for it and that’s ok! YOU get to decide how much or how little you want to do this holiday season. And you can make it magical either way!
So however you’re feeling here are 5 ways to bring the magic back to your holidays this year.
5 Ways to Bring the Magic Back to Your Holiday Decorating
- No judgment
- Let’s just accept that everyone does the holidays differently and that’s completely ok! NO judgment on when you decorate or how much. You get to decide.
- Evaluate how you’re feeling this year and plan accordingly
- Every year is going to be different and that’s ok. We’ve had Christmases where we had one small tree or even no tree at all. We’ve had other years where I’ve put up 5 Christmas trees. Pay attention to how you are feeling and decorate accordingly. If you want to keep it small and simple, then embrace that and don’t feel guilty one bit.
- Embrace nostalgia
- What are those magical memories from your life that you’d like to include in your decorating this year? Having a tie to sentimental objects or a favorite memory brings the magic like nothing else.
- Manage your decorating energy
- If you’re embracing maximalism, then take it SLOW. I usually start decorating right after Halloween and take several weeks to finish. That way I can spend a couple of hours here and there. My energy stays high and I don’t get exhausted trying to finish everything in a weekend.
- Get organized
- Years ago I created a Christmas binder as a way to keep everything Christmas in one spot. It’s where I keep the lists for gift giving, recipes, and holiday traditions. If you’d like to start your own Christmas binder. I have a free printable version that you can print at home and get organized. To download your free copy, click on the link right below this video.
In conclusion
So would you like to take a peek inside my home and see how I’ve decorated this year? Let’s go take a look! Click on the video at the top of this post to see a 2022 holiday decorating tour. I’ll be taking you inside the following spaces.

Remember, I went all out this year because I was feeling the Christmas groove. I had the bandwidth to do more this year, but I’ve kept it super simple and paired down in years past. We’ve had magical Christmases either way.
How are YOU feeling this year? What will you add? What will you take away? Let me know in the comments below.
xo, Tessie
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