It is done. Miracles do happen. Sometimes we get what we want. The chandelier I have been dreaming about for the last 6 years is finally hanging over our kitchen table!!!! Eeeek!

Is it not the most beautiful thing you have ever seen???
It was hand made in Murano Italy and every individual flower is unique (which made it an absolute PAIN to put together… but don’t worry I still love you my pretty little globe of flowers).
So to make a long story short my husband and I took a trip to Italy 6 years ago. While we were visiting Venice I saw the most beautiful chandelier I had ever seen in my life. Honestly, I think when I looked up the angels started singing. It was just so lovely and unique and gorgeous and every other beautiful word you can think of. I wanted it so bad my bones hurt, but alas we left Venice empty handed and I spent the next 6 years dreaming about the light fixture that got away.
Fast forward to August and my daughter, Cora, and I decided to take a trip to London to visit her Grandma serving a mission there. Well, since we were already in London I thought we might as well pop on over to Venice and show Cora that beautiful city. And, you know, we might just happen upon the same chandelier…
We dedicated an entire day to shopping in Venice. First we went to the island of Burano where they make all the lace. Burano also had the most gorgeous colorful houses!
Then we went to Murano where they make all the glass. We shopped and strolled and shopped some more. We saw many beautiful chandeliers but NOTHING held a candle to the chandelier in my mind that I had seen 6 years ago.
At about 4:00 I realized that at 5:00 many of the shops would be closing and I still hadn’t found the shop with my little chandelier. I started panicking a bit and started walking faster and peeking in all the shops to see if I could find the elusive chandelier. At 4:30 I glanced inside a shop and immediately saw the chandelier hanging above the register in the exact same place it had been 6 years ago! The shop owner caught my eye and must have noticed my gigantic smile because he asked me if I had been there before. I said, “Yes! I was here 6 years ago and I have been dreaming about that chandelier ever since!” The shop owner gave me a good price and the Euro conversion rate is much better than it was 6 years ago so I honestly had NO CHOICE except to buy it!
It was shipped to my home and arrived one week later. It took three days to put together since each hand made flower needs to be screwed on to the metal base. It was like putting together a giant puzzle but in the end it was all worth it a million times over

I decided to hang it over the kitchen table instead of in the formal dining room because I wanted to make sure I could enjoy it every single day!
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